Organic.Edunet |
Organic.Edunet is a multilingual federation of learning repositories with quality content for the awareness and education of European youth about Organic Agriculture and Agroecology. Organic.Edunet aimed to facilitate access, usage and exploitation of digital |
GELSO - Local Management for Sustainability |
ISPRA - Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, started the project GELSO - Local Management for Sustainability aiming at creating a platform that allows Public Administrations, environmental associations, technicians, environmental |
Environmental Electronic Exchange Language |
The Eter Project (Electronic Standardization of Environmental Data) is the reference in Spain that harmonizes and facilitates the interoperability of environmental information between private companies and Public Administrations. |
NATURE-SDIplus: Best Practice Network for SDI in Nature |
The establishment of Natura 2000 and the new trans-boundary EU approach for protected sites management has enforced the link between nature conservation and geo-information. This has generated the need for interoperable, accessible and harmonised datasets for the EU. |
Online all-in-one Environmental Permit |
The VROM all-in-one service for electronic submission and process of environmental permits was introduced by the Environment Permits Bill (General Provisions), henceforth referred to by its acronym WABO.The main purpose of Wabo is to |
Nuclear waste site emplacement (ACTEON) |
ACTEON is a Web application created to answer queries concerning the emplacement of the Temporary Storage Center (ATC) and the radioactive waste management. The application has been implemented by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, |
Nuclear waste site emplacement (ACTEON) |
ACTEON is a Web application created to answer queries concerning the emplacement of the Temporary Storage Center (ATC) and the radioactive waste management. The application has been implemented by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, |
Kivo-ebiz Ltd |
Kivo-Ebiz Ltd was set up as a social enterprise in 2006, selling items on e-bay on behalf of local people. The enterprise is run by volunteers, uses 100% recycled materials for packaging and all profits go towards local community projects. We also provide training on two levels for internet trading – increasing local skills and volunteer numbers. This has recycled thousands |
SAM Internet: e-applications for agricultural support in Sweden |
SAM Internet is an electronic application system for agricultural support within the Common Agricultural Policy. SAM Internet makes applications by farmers easier, swifter, safer and more entertaining. The majority of applications received by the authorities are almost error-free, and thus save |
Norwegian national portal for geospatial and environmental info services |
The geoNorge portal is the national portal for the national Norway Digital geospatial infrastructure. Norway Digital is a large public partnership comprising all of the important users and producers of geospatial information at national, county and local levels. The portal is the |
e-Identification and Registration of farmed animals in The Nether |
Since December 2006, it has been mandatory for cattle farmers in the Netherlands to use the National Service for the Implementation of Regulations electronic identification and registration system for cattle. This system avoids the huge amounts of paperwork involved in |
e-CITES, for a safe international trade of plants and animals |
The CITES Convention regulates the international trade of plants and animals (and products thereof) threatened by overexploitation. In Switzerland, the issue of up to 100,000 import, export and re-export permits imposes administrative burdens on management authorities and delays the economic activities of the watch industry (export value of 13 billion CHF). e-CITES is an Internet-based system |
eEnviPer: Environmental Permits for the 21st Century |
Through the €4 million project eEnviPer, the European Union invests in modernising local and regional environmental permit processes. Environmental permits are a requirement for many economic activities across Europe, including intensive farming, power stations, waste |
SHOAL: Search and monitoring of Harmful contaminants, other pollutants and leaks in vessels in port using swarm of robotic fish |
We have identified a cutting-edge method for monitoring pollution in ports as specified in EU Directive 2005/35. This monitoring process is currently costing approximately 350 million Euros per year in the EU. SHOAL will develop a shoal of robotic fish to analyse contaminants in water and produce a real-time map of which pollutants are in the water, in what concentrations and where these are |
Localised environmental and health information services |
There is a growing demand for real time and integrated environmental and health risk information. Provision of location-based services linked to the state of the environment at particular geographical locations is necessary for improving the quality of life. This is essential for mitigation of environmental-related health threats associated to water quantity and quality, and outdoor air |
GS Soil: Assessment and strategic development of INSPIRE compliant Geodata-Services for European Soil Data |
For further information:
INSPIRE provides the framework for the establishment of a European Spatial Data Infrastructure. The cross-border use and applicability of data requires that specific standards and rules are fulfilled by data providers. Such rules are currently being |
Electric Vehicle Charging Management |
GRECO (Electric Vehicle Charging Management) meets two important needs: the essential boost to electric car among the citizens, as a key instrument for contributing to environmental sustainability and, on the other hand, the adoption of the Services Directive into Spanish law, in this case to allow free establishment of charging management companies, which supply the electric energy needed for |
EmpleaVerde |
The EmpleaVerde, or ‘Green Jobs’ programme, which is spearheaded by the Fundacion Biodiversidad of the Spanish Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, is an initiative to promote employment and preserve the environment. |
Demontage- und Recycling-Zentrum |
Recycling has taken off in Europe in recent times, but when you couple it with social integration and job creation, you have a recipe for success. This is what an ESF-sponsored project in Austria has done. The ‘Demontage- und Recycling-Zentrum’ (DRZ) is a place where the long-term unemployed and people with disabilities can be reintegrated into the job market. After eight weeks of |
Sustainable Construction |
In the United Kingdom, the ‘built environment’ – meaning constructing homes, offices and factories and then living and working in them – is responsible for almost half of the country’s carbon emissions, half of water consumption and a third of landfill waste. So, giving ‘green skills’ to the men and women who design, build, renovate and manage |
Clear About Carbon |
Clear About Carbon is an innovative project in Cornwall with a mission to find new ways to raise awareness among businesses and the public sector about carbon-based gas emissions and their impact on our climate. Working with staff in Cornish SMEs and public sector organisations, the project identifies the most successful ways of getting them actively involved in reducing carbon within their |
ECO+ |
Supporting sustainable development involves giving people the skills that will be in demand in the future. In Belgium, the ECO+ project is doing just this by offering workers the chance to train and gain skills in the new fields of ecologically friendly building construction and renovation. This is a growing market and source of jobs, as people seek to lower their energy usage and benefit the |
Tovarna Dela Tekstil - Jobs for the disadvantaged through recycling |
In today’s society, clothes are frequently thrown away before they really become unwearable. Work Factory – Textiles, set up in Slovenia, collects and sorts second-hand clothes and prepares them for resale either directly or after mending and restyling. Making this happen are 10 members of staff and 20-30 volunteers, all of whom come from disadvantaged sectors of society: |
Proteggere Pompei per le generazioni future |
The UNESCO site of Pompeii has been under excavation to varying degrees since 1748. Exposure of the excavated site as well as poor excavation techniques mean that the site has deteriorated over time. This project aims to stop and reverse the deterioration of the site while consolidating disparate sites into a single excavated area thereby extending the useable area by 23 000 m2. The project is |
Restauro del complesso monumentale del Forte di Bard |
Under the regeneration of the Bard castle project, the site benefited from some €11 million in EU funding from 1996 to 2006. The goal was to restore a ruined fort to resemble the military building that had withstood an attack by the French army in 1800. Just an empty shell in the mid-1990s, the newly restored site drew some 80.000 visitors in 2008. The imposing Bard fort dominates the |
Basilicata coast to coast |
The backdrop and locations of the movie promote the natural and cultural resources of Basilicata, encouraging audiences to take a tour of the region following in the footsteps of the characters on screen. This unique idea is part of a wider communication strategy for the region, including other initiatives in the visual arts and cinematography, to promote the image of Basilicata at both a |
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are now at their highest for 3 million years and as a result urban areas are vulnerable to increased temperatures and flooding. Regional spatial planning and urban design can provide solutions that make our communities less vulnerable to these risks. Green infrastructure including gardens, parks, productive landscapes, green corridors, green roofs and |
HySy Vision |
The Piedmont region in northern Italy is opening up its industries to new forms of hydrogen application in preparation for the new hydrogen industry of tomorrow. HySy Lab brings together research centres, universities and small businesses to develop hydrogen-based projects. Overcoming challenges such as fuel storage on a hydrogen-powered scooter is made easier thanks to the combined expertise |
Un Comune rurale sceglie l'energia sostenibile |
A small town in the Po Valley has switched to 100% renewable energy for its municipal energy users. A mix of different technologies now provides all the heat and air conditioning it requires during traditionally cold winters and hot summers.Roncoferraro is located some 140 km south-east of Milan. Its 6 700 inhabitants are spread over a wide area, with most working in the agricultural sector. |
Valutazione del potenziale delle tecnologie legate alle energie rinnovabili |
Projects such as this are helping the EU to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy by 2020, as set out in the EU 2020 growth strategy. The EU is facing some tough challenges, including an ageing population, an insufficiently qualified workforce, the need for greater innovation, striking a balance between economic growth and environmental degradation, and ensuring secure, clean |
Affrontare il digital divide |
With many people in Lombardia suffering the negative effects of the region’s ‘digital divide’, a project was conceived to construct a broadband transport and access network in areas currently not served by telecommunications operators.It is hoped that the project will improve quality of life for citizens in the area by offering access to e-medicine, e-learning and e-commerce |
Migliorie di carattere ambientale per il trattamento dei rifiuti |
Support from the European Regional Development Fund has enabled municipal waste from the city of Salerno, in Italy’s Campania region, to be processed to higher environmental standards. |
Journey from wasteland to parkland |
The abandoned Bagnoli site in Naples is in the process of radical change. The site has already been the subject of plans and works in recent years on the part of the local region. The decontamination of the zone was previously co-funded by the ERDF in the 2000-2006 programme period. More recently in 2007-2013, the European Investment Bank co-funded other regeneration projects on the site. The |
POWERED Project of Offshore Wind Energy: Research, Experimentation, Development |
POWERED aims to define a set of strategies and shared methods for the development of the off-shore wind energy in all the Countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Such energetic choice could allow a rapid increase of installations, thanks to the reduction of the problems related to landscape topic that are frequently the main obstacles to the creation of wind parks in high density population |
Barrier-Free Nature Parks |
Two territories share a natural area. They are separated by history but not by geography. These are the Vosges of Northern France and the Palatinate Forest (Pfälzerwald) of Germany. They share the same sandstone, water and forest as well as fauna, the most remarkable example of which is the lynx. For about 15 years now, the Parc naturel régional (PNR) des Vosges du Nord and the |
The project MEDDMAN is a transnational approach in the field of drought and water management involving competent national authorities, leading research institutes and regional authorities. The project's target is to develop an integrated system, capable of evaluating the state of surface water and groundwater resources in the MEDOCC regions. Under the general scheme of preserving and |
Acquisto e ristrutturazione Istituto Alberghiero |
Acquisire una sede unica per l’Istituto Alberghiero, attualmente diviso tra Possagno e Crespano, Creare un centro sperimentale del GUSTO per lo studio, la valorizzazione, l’implementazione e l’innovazione dei prodotti tipici della pedemontana . Istituire un istituto scolastico modello, da porre come punto di |
Centro sperimentale del GUSTO per lo studio, la valorizzazione, l’implementazione l’innovazione dei prodotti tipici della pedemontana |
La vocazione turistica e agroambientale va costruita e implementata da nuove offerte di formazione che partendo dall’esistente, consenta la piena valorizzazione dei prodotti tipici e dei beni culturali e ambientali della zona. La costruzione di una identità territoriale peculiare per il territorio della Pedemontana del Grappa non può che basarsi su una offerta |
Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un tracciato ciclopedonale che attraversa il paese da est ad ovest. Inserito in una più ampia prospettiva di nuova offerta turistica del territorio il progetto prevede un percorso ciclopedonale che parte dal confine comunale est con Cavaso del Tomba da Via Strade Nuove. In questo contesto sono in corso di |
Pista ciclo pedonale in golena al fiume Piave dal Ponte di Fener a Crocetta |
Ripristino e riqualificazione di vecchi tracciati abbandonati e dimessi. Realizzazione di nuovi itinerari e percorsi ciclopedonali, comprese le dotazioni necessarie, relativa identificazione e segnaletica. Realizzazione e/o adeguamento di piccole strutture e infrastrutture, finalizzate alla costruzione di punti di accesso, accoglienza ed informazione sulle aree rurali e relativi percorsi di |
Valorizzazione fattoria didattica del pollo rustichello. |
Rinnovo della filiera riproduttiva delle razze avicole autoctone, in particolare del pollo rustichello, attraverso un miglioramento e potenziamento del’incubazione delle uova dei pulcini. Allestimento di un punto vendita delle razze avicole tipiche con vetrina espositiva della fattoria didattica. Creazione di un punto sosta turistico lungo il percorso del Monfenera, |