Key Action 3 - Prospective initiatives - Policy experimentation in school education sector |
Key Action 3 - Prospective initiatives - Policy experimentation in school education sector - EACEA 30/2014 Deadline for presentation: 20/03/2014 Link: Additional information: Within Key Action 3 - Support for Policy Reform |
Key Action 3: Support for policy reform |
Key Action 3: Support for policy reform Forward-Looking Cooperation Projects 2015 Deadline for presentation: 24-02-20135 Programme: Erasmus + Link: |
Il GRMT, una delle prime associazioni di categorie italiane nata alla fine degli anni ’70 che ha saputo fare della cucina e del prodotto tipico, in assoluto anticipo rispetto alla recente fenomenologia, motivo di ricerca e spettacolo, sta affrontando ora una delicata fase di riscrittura dello statuto con ridefinizione della propria vision e mission, definendo per |
Organic.Edunet |
Organic.Edunet is a multilingual federation of learning repositories with quality content for the awareness and education of European youth about Organic Agriculture and Agroecology. Organic.Edunet aimed to facilitate access, usage and exploitation of digital |
NATURE-SDIplus: Best Practice Network for SDI in Nature |
The establishment of Natura 2000 and the new trans-boundary EU approach for protected sites management has enforced the link between nature conservation and geo-information. This has generated the need for interoperable, accessible and harmonised datasets for the EU. |
ECO+ |
Supporting sustainable development involves giving people the skills that will be in demand in the future. In Belgium, the ECO+ project is doing just this by offering workers the chance to train and gain skills in the new fields of ecologically friendly building construction and renovation. This is a growing market and source of jobs, as people seek to lower their energy usage and benefit the |
Cultural and Creative Sector: New competences and new professional profiles and their mutual recognition. The case of the Music Sector |
As a result of the on-going transformations in the Cultural and creative Industry (CCI), artists, creators and culture and creative workers constantly need to develop and update their skills. Increased investment in the modernization of the education and training for artists, authors, creators and culture industries’ workers will help the EU to achieve its strategic goals. This implies |
Cascina Roccafranca |
The Cascina Roccafranca (Daily Home) is a social and cultural centre in the northwestern Italian city of Turin, designed to encourage local residents to become active and engaged citizens interested in their community. It was meant to be a place where local residents can test new forms of grass-roots participation, exercise their civic rights, and exchange ideas with people of different |
Basilicata coast to coast |
The backdrop and locations of the movie promote the natural and cultural resources of Basilicata, encouraging audiences to take a tour of the region following in the footsteps of the characters on screen. This unique idea is part of a wider communication strategy for the region, including other initiatives in the visual arts and cinematography, to promote the image of Basilicata at both a |
Activate Tourism Training Resources for Accessible Cities and Town |
The proposed Learning Partnership deals with the theme of accessibility in the tourism sector, with specific focus on urban accessibility (= accessibility of cities). The project targets different themes: Accessibility in tourism: as the commitment to ensure that tourist destinations, products and services are easily accessible to all people, regardless of their |
Systems of knowledge for active citizenship in tourism |
This project focuses on social tourism as a practical learning experience for elderly and disabled people. The proposed LEarning partnership puts together partners of excellence having different skills and competencies: grouping together different backgrounds, targeting different target groups in various national contexts, the LP exploits the experience of each partner to innovate practices, |
Progetto Cohousing 4Autism – “Villaggio Monica Migotto” |
Il Progetto è in sintesi una Comunità Residenziale, Lavorativa, Terapeutica costituita da genitori di Soggetti affetti da autismo, coinvolgendo operatori, familiari, tecnici, volontari, psicologi al fine di creare un Villaggio esteso in linea con il concetto di Cohousing integrato ad attività nel territorio circostante, garantendo un percorso del dopo di noi che dia dignit |
Creativ.abile |
Il progetto è rivolto a tutti i cittadini che si riconoscono o vengono riconosciuti dal contesto come in situazione di svantaggio ed è atto a promuovere uno sviluppo della biografia promuovendo competenze di gestione della situazione critica configurata come disabilità. L’arte e la cultura rappresentano due macro aree |
Acquisto e ristrutturazione Istituto Alberghiero |
Acquisire una sede unica per l’Istituto Alberghiero, attualmente diviso tra Possagno e Crespano, Creare un centro sperimentale del GUSTO per lo studio, la valorizzazione, l’implementazione e l’innovazione dei prodotti tipici della pedemontana . Istituire un istituto scolastico modello, da porre come punto di |
In Memoria |
Realizzazione di un lungometraggio sulle vicende della Grande Guerra, caratterizzato da una narrazione fedele e da elevati standard qualitativi (sceneggiatura, fotografia, riprese, montaggio, audio, musica, attori). |
Centro sperimentale del GUSTO per lo studio, la valorizzazione, l’implementazione l’innovazione dei prodotti tipici della pedemontana |
La vocazione turistica e agroambientale va costruita e implementata da nuove offerte di formazione che partendo dall’esistente, consenta la piena valorizzazione dei prodotti tipici e dei beni culturali e ambientali della zona. La costruzione di una identità territoriale peculiare per il territorio della Pedemontana del Grappa non può che basarsi su una offerta |