Green building

Kivo-ebiz Ltd

Kivo-Ebiz Ltd was set up as a social enterprise in 2006, selling items on e-bay on behalf of local people. The enterprise is run by volunteers, uses 100% recycled materials for packaging and all profits go towards local community projects. We also provide training on two levels for internet trading – increasing local skills and volunteer numbers. This has recycled thousands


The EmpleaVerde, or ‘Green Jobs’ programme, which is spearheaded by the Fundacion Biodiversidad of the Spanish Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, is an initiative to promote employment and preserve the environment.

Sustainable Construction

In the United Kingdom, the ‘built environment’ –  meaning constructing homes, offices and factories and then living and working in them – is responsible for almost half of the country’s carbon emissions, half of water consumption and a third of landfill waste. So, giving ‘green skills’ to the men and women who design, build, renovate and manage

Clear About Carbon

Clear About Carbon is an innovative project in Cornwall with a mission to find new ways to raise awareness among businesses and the public sector about carbon-based gas emissions and their impact on our climate. Working with staff in Cornish SMEs and public sector organisations, the project identifies the most successful ways of getting them actively involved in reducing carbon within their


Supporting sustainable development involves giving people the skills that will be in demand in the future. In Belgium, the ECO+ project is doing just this by offering workers the chance to train and gain skills in the new fields of ecologically friendly building construction and renovation. This is a growing market and source of jobs, as people seek to lower their energy usage and benefit the

Restauro del complesso monumentale del Forte di Bard

Under the regeneration of the Bard castle project, the site benefited from some €11 million in EU funding from 1996 to 2006. The goal was to restore a ruined fort to resemble the military building that had withstood an attack by the French army in 1800. Just an empty shell in the mid-1990s, the newly restored site drew some 80.000 visitors in 2008. The imposing Bard fort dominates the


Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are now at their highest for 3 million years and as a result urban areas are vulnerable to increased temperatures and flooding. Regional spatial planning and urban design can provide solutions that make our communities less vulnerable to these risks. Green infrastructure including gardens, parks, productive landscapes, green corridors, green roofs and

HySy Vision

The Piedmont region in northern Italy is opening up its industries to new forms of hydrogen application in preparation for the new hydrogen industry of tomorrow. HySy Lab brings together research centres, universities and small businesses to develop hydrogen-based projects. Overcoming challenges such as fuel storage on a hydrogen-powered scooter is made easier thanks to the combined expertise

Un Comune rurale sceglie l'energia sostenibile

A small town in the Po Valley has switched to 100% renewable energy for its municipal energy users. A mix of different technologies now provides all the heat and air conditioning it requires during traditionally cold winters and hot summers.Roncoferraro is located some 140 km south-east of Milan. Its 6 700 inhabitants are spread over a wide area, with most working in the agricultural sector.

Valutazione del potenziale delle tecnologie legate alle energie rinnovabili

Projects such as this are helping the EU to become a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy by 2020, as set out in the EU 2020 growth strategy. The EU is facing some tough challenges, including an ageing population, an insufficiently qualified workforce, the need for greater innovation, striking a balance between economic growth and environmental degradation, and ensuring secure, clean

Journey from wasteland to parkland

The abandoned Bagnoli site in Naples is in the process of radical change. The site has already been the subject of plans and works in recent years on the part of the local region. The decontamination of the zone was previously co-funded by the ERDF in the 2000-2006 programme period. More recently in 2007-2013, the European Investment Bank co-funded other regeneration projects on the site. The

Struttura ricettiva in bioedilizia

Ristrutturazione di fabbricato rurale con tecniche di bioedilizia e utilizzo di energie rinnovabili quale fotovoltaico e solare termico.

Acquisto e ristrutturazione Istituto Alberghiero

Acquisire una sede unica per l’Istituto Alberghiero, attualmente diviso tra Possagno e Crespano,

Creare un centro sperimentale del GUSTO per  lo studio, la valorizzazione, l’implementazione e l’innovazione dei prodotti tipici della pedemontana .

Istituire un istituto scolastico modello, da porre come punto di

Pista ciclo pedonale in golena al fiume Piave dal Ponte di Fener a Crocetta

Ripristino e riqualificazione di vecchi tracciati abbandonati e dimessi. Realizzazione di nuovi itinerari e percorsi ciclopedonali, comprese le dotazioni necessarie, relativa identificazione e segnaletica. Realizzazione e/o adeguamento di piccole strutture e infrastrutture, finalizzate alla costruzione di punti di accesso, accoglienza ed informazione sulle aree rurali e relativi percorsi di

Abbattimento e ricostruzione delle ex- scuole elementari in località “Castelli”

L’immobile per come è stato concepito non consente interventi strutturali e architettonici tali da poterne valorizzare adeguatamente l’uso previsto, sia come residenziale che ad uso attività sociali e associative. E’ pertanto nostra intenzione procedere alla demolizione e ricostruzione dell’intera struttura per ricavare due