Organic.Edunet |
Organic.Edunet is a multilingual federation of learning repositories with quality content for the awareness and education of European youth about Organic Agriculture and Agroecology. Organic.Edunet aimed to facilitate access, usage and exploitation of digital |
GELSO - Local Management for Sustainability |
ISPRA - Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, started the project GELSO - Local Management for Sustainability aiming at creating a platform that allows Public Administrations, environmental associations, technicians, environmental |
Environmental Electronic Exchange Language |
The Eter Project (Electronic Standardization of Environmental Data) is the reference in Spain that harmonizes and facilitates the interoperability of environmental information between private companies and Public Administrations. |
NATURE-SDIplus: Best Practice Network for SDI in Nature |
The establishment of Natura 2000 and the new trans-boundary EU approach for protected sites management has enforced the link between nature conservation and geo-information. This has generated the need for interoperable, accessible and harmonised datasets for the EU. |
Online all-in-one Environmental Permit |
The VROM all-in-one service for electronic submission and process of environmental permits was introduced by the Environment Permits Bill (General Provisions), henceforth referred to by its acronym WABO.The main purpose of Wabo is to |
Local governments e-services portal |
The portal's main task is to make local governments, public authorities and business services more accessible and user friendly to citizens and businesses. Currently, ads are designed for three services: "Real estate tax payment", "Report to the |
Nuclear waste site emplacement (ACTEON) |
ACTEON is a Web application created to answer queries concerning the emplacement of the Temporary Storage Center (ATC) and the radioactive waste management. The application has been implemented by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, |
Nuclear waste site emplacement (ACTEON) |
ACTEON is a Web application created to answer queries concerning the emplacement of the Temporary Storage Center (ATC) and the radioactive waste management. The application has been implemented by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, |
Kivo-ebiz Ltd |
Kivo-Ebiz Ltd was set up as a social enterprise in 2006, selling items on e-bay on behalf of local people. The enterprise is run by volunteers, uses 100% recycled materials for packaging and all profits go towards local community projects. We also provide training on two levels for internet trading – increasing local skills and volunteer numbers. This has recycled thousands |
Norwegian national portal for geospatial and environmental info services |
The geoNorge portal is the national portal for the national Norway Digital geospatial infrastructure. Norway Digital is a large public partnership comprising all of the important users and producers of geospatial information at national, county and local levels. The portal is the |
eEnviPer: Environmental Permits for the 21st Century |
Through the €4 million project eEnviPer, the European Union invests in modernising local and regional environmental permit processes. Environmental permits are a requirement for many economic activities across Europe, including intensive farming, power stations, waste |
Localised environmental and health information services |
There is a growing demand for real time and integrated environmental and health risk information. Provision of location-based services linked to the state of the environment at particular geographical locations is necessary for improving the quality of life. This is essential for mitigation of environmental-related health threats associated to water quantity and quality, and outdoor air |
IPA - Strengthening Media Freedom - Serbia - 2013 |
According to the priorities for IPA support to the Republic of Serbia over the period covered by MIPD 2011-2013 the following target areas have been identified: strengthening the rule of law and public administration, overcoming the economic crisis and improving competitiveness and social inclusion and reconciliation. |
Cascina Roccafranca |
The Cascina Roccafranca (Daily Home) is a social and cultural centre in the northwestern Italian city of Turin, designed to encourage local residents to become active and engaged citizens interested in their community. It was meant to be a place where local residents can test new forms of grass-roots participation, exercise their civic rights, and exchange ideas with people of different |
Basilicata coast to coast |
The backdrop and locations of the movie promote the natural and cultural resources of Basilicata, encouraging audiences to take a tour of the region following in the footsteps of the characters on screen. This unique idea is part of a wider communication strategy for the region, including other initiatives in the visual arts and cinematography, to promote the image of Basilicata at both a |
MED Laine |
One third of the Italian wool production comes from Sardinia, which is traditionally an agricultural and farming region. Sheep farming represents a significant activity in Tuscany (IT) and Corsica (FR) - Mediterranean regions which are socially and economically closely connected with Sardinia. |
Affrontare il digital divide |
With many people in Lombardia suffering the negative effects of the region’s ‘digital divide’, a project was conceived to construct a broadband transport and access network in areas currently not served by telecommunications operators.It is hoped that the project will improve quality of life for citizens in the area by offering access to e-medicine, e-learning and e-commerce |
Barrier-Free Nature Parks |
Two territories share a natural area. They are separated by history but not by geography. These are the Vosges of Northern France and the Palatinate Forest (Pfälzerwald) of Germany. They share the same sandstone, water and forest as well as fauna, the most remarkable example of which is the lynx. For about 15 years now, the Parc naturel régional (PNR) des Vosges du Nord and the |
Activate Tourism Training Resources for Accessible Cities and Town |
The proposed Learning Partnership deals with the theme of accessibility in the tourism sector, with specific focus on urban accessibility (= accessibility of cities). The project targets different themes: Accessibility in tourism: as the commitment to ensure that tourist destinations, products and services are easily accessible to all people, regardless of their |
Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un tracciato ciclopedonale che attraversa il paese da est ad ovest. Inserito in una più ampia prospettiva di nuova offerta turistica del territorio il progetto prevede un percorso ciclopedonale che parte dal confine comunale est con Cavaso del Tomba da Via Strade Nuove. In questo contesto sono in corso di |
Pista ciclo pedonale in golena al fiume Piave dal Ponte di Fener a Crocetta |
Ripristino e riqualificazione di vecchi tracciati abbandonati e dimessi. Realizzazione di nuovi itinerari e percorsi ciclopedonali, comprese le dotazioni necessarie, relativa identificazione e segnaletica. Realizzazione e/o adeguamento di piccole strutture e infrastrutture, finalizzate alla costruzione di punti di accesso, accoglienza ed informazione sulle aree rurali e relativi percorsi di |
Valorizzazione fattoria didattica del pollo rustichello. |
Rinnovo della filiera riproduttiva delle razze avicole autoctone, in particolare del pollo rustichello, attraverso un miglioramento e potenziamento del’incubazione delle uova dei pulcini. Allestimento di un punto vendita delle razze avicole tipiche con vetrina espositiva della fattoria didattica. Creazione di un punto sosta turistico lungo il percorso del Monfenera, |
Realizzazione rete comunale di infrastrutture pubbliche in fibra ottica per collegamento aree produttive, artigianali e industriali alla banda larga ad alta velocità per l’incremento della competitività nel mercato internazionale e crescita della produtti |
Realizzazione del cablaggio in fibra ottica per la realizzazione di una rete proprietaria comunale di collegamento degli edifici e delle infrastrutture produttive pubbliche e private per la connessione in banda larga ad alta velocità su fibra ottica. |