Il GRMT, una delle prime associazioni di categorie italiane nata alla fine degli anni ’70 che ha saputo fare della cucina e del prodotto tipico, in assoluto anticipo rispetto alla recente fenomenologia, motivo di ricerca e spettacolo, sta affrontando ora una delicata fase di riscrittura dello statuto con ridefinizione della propria vision e mission, definendo per

Cultural and Creative Sector: New competences and new professional profiles and their mutual recognition. The case of the Music Sector

As a result of the on-going transformations in the Cultural and creative Industry (CCI), artists, creators and culture and creative workers constantly need to develop and update their skills. Increased investment in the modernization of the education and training for artists, authors, creators and culture industries’ workers will help the EU to achieve its strategic goals. This implies

Activate Tourism Training Resources for Accessible Cities and Town

The proposed Learning Partnership deals with the theme of accessibility in the tourism sector, with specific focus on urban accessibility (= accessibility of cities).

The project targets different themes:

Accessibility in tourism: as the commitment to ensure that tourist destinations, products and services are easily accessible to all people, regardless of their

Systems of knowledge for active citizenship in tourism

This project focuses on social tourism as a practical learning experience for elderly and disabled people. The proposed LEarning partnership puts together partners of excellence having different skills and competencies: grouping together different backgrounds, targeting different target groups in various national contexts, the LP exploits the experience of each partner to innovate practices,