Reconstruction and Rehabilitation

Demontage- und Recycling-Zentrum

Recycling has taken off in Europe in recent times, but when you couple it with social integration and job creation, you have a recipe for success. This is what an ESF-sponsored project in Austria has done. The ‘Demontage- und Recycling-Zentrum’ (DRZ) is a place where the long-term unemployed and people with disabilities can be reintegrated into the job market. After eight weeks of

Tovarna Dela Tekstil - Jobs for the disadvantaged through recycling

In today’s society, clothes are frequently thrown away before they really become unwearable. Work Factory – Textiles, set up in Slovenia, collects and sorts second-hand clothes and prepares them for resale either directly or after mending and restyling. Making this happen are 10 members of staff and 20-30 volunteers, all of whom come from disadvantaged sectors of society:

Proteggere Pompei per le generazioni future

The UNESCO site of Pompeii has been under excavation to varying degrees since 1748. Exposure of the excavated site as well as poor excavation techniques mean that the site has deteriorated over time. This project aims to stop and reverse the deterioration of the site while consolidating disparate sites into a single excavated area thereby extending the useable area by 23 000 m2. The project is

Restauro del complesso monumentale del Forte di Bard

Under the regeneration of the Bard castle project, the site benefited from some €11 million in EU funding from 1996 to 2006. The goal was to restore a ruined fort to resemble the military building that had withstood an attack by the French army in 1800. Just an empty shell in the mid-1990s, the newly restored site drew some 80.000 visitors in 2008. The imposing Bard fort dominates the

Abbattimento barriere architettoniche

Rendere percorribile il nostro territorio anche dalle persone che hanno handicap fisici attraverso la realizzazione di marciapiedi nelle zone più densamente popolate. Il nostro territorio, prevalentemente collinare, non è di facile accesso alle persone con handicap fisici, è nostra intenzione creare dei collegamenti con dei marciapiedi adeguati non solo alle zone pi