Transport and Storage

Kivo-ebiz Ltd

Kivo-Ebiz Ltd was set up as a social enterprise in 2006, selling items on e-bay on behalf of local people. The enterprise is run by volunteers, uses 100% recycled materials for packaging and all profits go towards local community projects. We also provide training on two levels for internet trading – increasing local skills and volunteer numbers. This has recycled thousands

Norwegian national portal for geospatial and environmental info services


The geoNorge portal is the national portal for the national Norway Digital geospatial infrastructure. Norway Digital is a large public partnership comprising all of the important users and producers of geospatial information at national, county and local levels. The portal is the

e-Identification and Registration of farmed animals in The Nether


Since December 2006, it has been mandatory for cattle farmers in the Netherlands to use the National Service for the Implementation of Regulations electronic identification and registration system for cattle. This system avoids the huge amounts of paperwork involved in

Electric Vehicle Charging Management

GRECO (Electric Vehicle Charging Management) meets two important needs: the essential boost to electric car among the citizens, as a key instrument for contributing to environmental sustainability and, on the other hand, the adoption of the Services Directive into Spanish law, in this case to allow free establishment of charging management companies, which supply the electric energy needed for


Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un tracciato ciclopedonale che attraversa il paese da est ad ovest. Inserito in una più ampia prospettiva di nuova offerta turistica del territorio il progetto prevede un percorso ciclopedonale che parte dal confine comunale est con Cavaso del Tomba da Via Strade Nuove. In questo contesto sono in corso di


Il progetto prevede un intervento di riqualificazione paesaggistica dell’ambito territoriale funzionale alla accessibilita’ veicolare, ciclabile e pedonale al centro storico del comune connesso all’ambito del museo e del tempio canoviano integrato con idonei spazi a parcheggio. Il progetto mira a stabilire sistemi coerenti tra distribuzione delle funzioni e organizzazione